Thursday, December 26, 2019

Qu hacer cuando la ESTA para viajar a USA es rechazada

Los espaà ±oles y los chilenos, entre otras nacionalidades, pueden viajar sin visa a EEUU. Si llegan por aire o mar deben solicitar previamente por internet la autorizacià ³n que se conoce como ESTA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s. Pero puede suceder que la ESTA no sea aprobada o que sea revocada. En este artà ­culo se explica quà © hacer si el viaje no es autorizado a embarcar. Quà © es la ESTA La ESTA  es una autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica que permite a los ciudadanos de ciertos paà ­ses a viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos por un mà ¡ximo de 90 dà ­as no que no se pueden alargar y cuando el objeto del viaje es hacer turismo, negocios o recibir atencià ³n mà ©dica. Este es el listado completo de paà ­ses cuyos ciudadanos pueden viajar sin visa. Verificar ese enlace para informarse sobre las nuevas reglas que afectan a los ciudadanos de esos paà ­ses con doble nacionalidad con ciertos estados y tambià ©n a los que han viajado a paà ­ses considerados problemà ¡ticos. Ademà ¡s tener en cuenta que podrà ­an viajar con la ESTA los ciudadanos de otro paà ­s en el que viven habitualmente pero que por la razà ³n que fuera, como por ejemplo por herencia de sus padres, tienen tambià ©n el pasaporte de uno de esos paà ­ses. Resultados que se pueden obtener al llenar el formulario de  la ESTA La ESTA se rellena por internet  en la pà ¡gina official del gobierno americano. Generalmente el resultado se conoce al momento y puede ser de tres tipos: Viaje autorizado. En este caso ya se puede viajar por aire o mar. Hay que tener un billete de ida y vuelta y se recomienda imprimir la autorizacià ³n porque contiene el nà ºmero de solicitud, que puede hacer falta posteriormente. Aunque la  aerolà ­nea no lo necesita, ya que el Departamento de Estado es la que se encarga de notificarla de que una determinada persona està ¡ autorizada a embarcar hacia Estados Unidos, algunas insisten en pedirlo.Autorizacià ³n pendiente. En este caso, volver a entrar en la pà ¡gina web pasadas 72 horas y se verà ¡ el resultado definitivo.Viaje no autorizado. Esto le puede pasar incluso a las celebridades de fama internacional, cuya causa mà ¡s comà ºn para no aprobase su ESTA o su visa es el consumo de drogas. Quà © hacer si la ESTA seà ±ala que el viaje no es autorizado Llenar un formulario para iniciar el proceso para solicitar una  visa de turista que se tramitarà ¡ en la embajada o consulado correspondiente. El  oficial a cargo tendrà ¡ la à ºltima palabra para decidir  si la concede o rechaza la peticià ³n. En este à ºltimo caso, y dependiendo de la razà ³n, serà ¡ posible solicitar un perdà ³n o waiver para los casos de inadmisibilidad. Sin embargo, para las razones que convierten a una persona en inelegible no hay posibilidad de pedir perdà ³n. Cuà ¡les son las razones por las que la ESTA no autoriza el viaje Las razones pueden ser varias, como haber estado previamente en Estados Unidos y no salir a tiempo, aunque el retraso sea de sà ³lo unas horas. Tambià ©n puede haberse dado el caso de que se hubiera impedido el ingreso en una fecha anterior, por razones varias, como por ejemplo, por estar ingresando con demasiada frecuencia.   Tambià ©n puede ser porque previamente se ha denegado una visa, esto es relativamente comà ºn en el caso de personas con doble nacionalidad, que piden un visado con un pasaporte y cuando es rechazado intentan viajar a EEUU con el pasaporte espaà ±ol y la ESTA. Otra causa puede ser la condena por determinado tipo de delitos u otras muchas causas que hacen a una persona inadmisible para entrar a USA.   Por à ºltimo la ESTA puede negarse o el ingreso a Estados Unidos cuando se viaja con dicha autorizacià ³n cuando la intencià ³n de su titular es casarse en el paà ­s con un ciudadano americano o con un residente permanente legal y quedarse mientras se arreglan los papeles mediante el denominado ajuste de estatus. Y es que la intencià ³n con la ESTA no puede ser casarse. Y si bien es cierto que actualmente se permite un camino para que puedan arreglar los papeles las personas que se casan en Estados Unidos con estatus de turista, no es menos cierto que hay muchos problemas si no se respetan ciertos plazos. A tener muy en cuenta El fin de viajar a EEUU sin visa es turismo, negocios o atencià ³n mà ©dica. Por lo tanto, las personas que la utilizan para estudiar inglà ©s a tiempo completo por unas semanas tienen que saber que se arriesgan a tener problemas migratorios, porque no està ¡n cumpliendo con la ley. Les corresponde una visa de estudiante.Asimismo, los periodistas, artistas, actores y atletas que desean viajar a EEUU por motivos profesionales deben pedir sus visas correspondientes.  Por supuesto que si se ingresa a Estados Unidos con una ESTA no se puede trabajar. Si se hace, se està ¡ cometiendo una violacià ³n migratoria que, si se descubre o se sospecha, puede tener consecuencias graves.En realidad, tampoco se puede ingresar al paà ­s con una ESTA cuando la intencià ³n es buscar trabajo. La intencià ³n es, afectos de leyes migratorias, muy importante ya que si las autoridades creen que existà ­a esa intencià ³n puede haber problemas.Tener una ESTA no garantiza la entrada en Estados Uni dos. Al llegar a las Aduanas y Fronteras el oficial de inmigracià ³n tiene la à ºltima palabra para decidir quià ©n entra. Es importante saber que en la actualidad una de las causas principales  por la que se deniega la entrada en las aduanas es que van a estudiar y para eso necesitan una visa que no tienen. Recomendacià ³n para aprender jugando Toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples para asegurarte de que sabes lo fundamental sobre viajar sin Visa. Porque el conocimiento es la mejor forma de evitar problemas. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Ecommerce Website Of And Select Online...

Role Name 1. Introduction 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this assessment is to identify external threats and website vulnerabilities related to, a famous retail chain competing against Walmart in the USA. 1.2 Scope The scope of this risk assessment project covers the ecommerce website of The purpose of this risk assessment project is to take initiative to gather as much information about the website of and select online transaction module for assessment. The website is dedicated to its customers providing information about its merchandise for sale thru online catalogs and encouraging its customers to make purchase thru their website if they like an item. Hence the focus will be on the systems that support electronic commerce which is merchandise database, sales database, customer information database, etc. and other related functions the electronic commerce depends on. 1.3 Background a. Retail store name: b. Corporate headquarter location: Minneapolis, MN c. Industry: Retail store chain d. Company Profile: Target Brands, Inc. e. Management: Brian Cornell, Chairman CEO; John Mulligan, EVP CFO; Brad Maiorino, SVP CISO; Jackie Rice, Chief Risk Compliance Officer; Dawn Block, SVP- Mobile Merchandising; Jim Fisher, SVP- Target Technology Services. f. Website: 2. Risk Assessment Approach 2.1 The participants (e.g. risk assessment team members) Role Name System

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Earth Science free essay sample

1. Describe the properties of each of these parts of the Earth’s interior: lithosphere, mantle, and core. What are they made of? How hot are they? What are a few of their physical properties? 2. Suppose that Earth’s interior contains a large amount of lead. Based on your prior knowledge, how dense  is lead? Would the lead be more likely to be found in the crust, mantle, or core? 3. When you put your hand near a pan above a pan filled with boiling water, does your hand warm up because  of convection or conduction? If you touch the pan, does your hand warm up because of convection or  conduction? Based on your answers, which type of heat transfer moves heat more easily and efficiently? 4. The oceanic crust is thinner and denser than continental crust. All crust sits atop the mantle. What might  our planet be like if this were not true. We will write a custom essay sample on Earth Science or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 5. If sediments fall onto the seafloor over time, what can sediment thickness tell scientists about the age of the seafloor in different regions? 6. How might convection cells in the mantle affect the movement of plates of lithosphere on the planet’s surface? 7. How can the locations where ancient fossils are found be used as evidence for continental drift? 8. Why is continental drift referred to as a hypothesis (or idea) and not a theory? 9. Why was Wegener’s continental drift idea rejected by the scientific community and why is it accepted Answer 1. The lithosphere is cold, brittle, and made of rock. There are two types: oceanic and continental. The mantle is hot and the material is always convecting. The core is dense, hot, and metallic. The liquid outer core is where the magnetic field originates. 2. Lead is very dense. Since dense material are pulled more by gravity, the lead would have been pulled into the core. 3. Above the pan, your hand is heated as warm air rises by convection. On the pan, your hand is heated because warm material travels toward it, by conduction. Conduction is far more efficient at heat transfer, which is why we heat water by conduction and not convection! 4. If all crusts locate below the mantle, our planet Earth might be a huge ball of magma because mantle make up of magma will become the outermost layer of the Earth. It means that there no crust any more. 5. If sediments fall onto the seafloor over time, sediments thickness can tell scientists about the age of seafloor at different regions by the layers of the rock. The deeper, the older of the rock is. 6. Convection cells are also found in the mantle. Mantle material is heated by the core and so it rises upwards. When it reaches the surface of the Earth, it moves horizontally. As the material moves away from the core’s heat, it cools. Eventually the mantle material at the top of the convection cell becomes cool and dense enough that it sinks back down into the deeper mantle. When it reaches the bottom of the mantle, it travels horizontally just above the core. Then it reaches the location where warm mantle material is rising, and the mantle convection cell is complete. 7. Fossils of the same species from the same time period have been found on widely separated continents. Some of these fossils have seeds that could not have blown across the ocean or they are of reptiles that only swam in fresh water. The simplest explanation is that the lands the fossils sit on were joined at the time the organisms lived and have since drifted apart. 8. Continental drift is referred to as a hypothesis (or idea) and not a theory because during Wegener’s life time he could not explain clearly on how the solid Earth can move and had not enough evidence to show. That was  the reason why scientists and other people did not believe in him. So continental drift is just only idea of Alfred Wegener not hypothesis. 9. Wegener’s continental drift idea rejected by the scientific community because: He was not geologist, he was meteorologist. He had not enough evidence used to proof his idea. He could not explain clearly on how the solid Earth could move.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Importance of New Words

Hey, do you think that Jack would enjoy this comic? Nah. He’s a muggle. Muggle: noun, informal 1.) a person who is not conversant with a particular activity or skill. English is a constantly evolving language. Words change meaning (bully, awful), new words are invented (muggle, Brexit) and some words just fall out of fashion (groak, crapulous). Because it does change so quickly, it’s important to keep up with what words are new, what ones are old and what words are changing meaning. Where New Words Come From JK Rowling has invented quite a few words for her Harry Potter series. From animagus to mudblood, her contributions to English don’t quite rival Shakespeare’s, but she’s certainly made a mark thanks to the popularity of her books. Muggle is probably the most famous of the words she made popular. In the books, a muggle is a person who is unable to do magic and was born to two people who also couldn’t do magic. Even that definition has changed as the word entered common usage. It started among the ‘geek’ community to refer to people who were not in their group, and then evolved into a more general usage to mean someone who doesn’t really know anything about a particular topic (in the example at the beginning, Jack doesn’t really know anything about comic books.) Writers On the Front Lines As language evolves, as a writer, you are going to be on the cutting edge of it. But keeping on top of evolving language can help keep your writing fresh. Adding new words is like getting new tools for an ever-expanding tool box. Sure, you can get along with just having a hammer, a screwdriver and a wrench set, but it’s even better to have those specialized tools for when you need them. New words are those tools; expanding your vocabulary will make you a more effective writer. Keeping Up-To-Date There are some good ways to keep up with new language that is coming into common use. Merriam-Webster’s website has a database that keeps track of new words. These are then put into contention to be added to the dictionary when they reach a certain level of popularity. Buzzfeed is also a decent, if overly hyper, resource. Since they are constantly trying to put out content, they will often talk about words and their usage. Oxford also has a good blog that talks about word trends. Periodically checking for updates on word trends and usage will keep you up-to-date. Don’t Stay in the Past We’ve all seen public figures use the wrong word or say it in the wrong way when trying to appear intelligent. The irony is that it did the opposite. As a writer, it’s your job to use the right words to keep your message clear and on point. Don’t be afraid of new language: embrace it. Though we have tended to regard language a dry and dusty topic, language is alive, evolving and really fun!