Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Write your own Gospel Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Write your own Gospel - Term Paper Example Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you (Matt. 7:7).Do not let human sufferings therefore weaken your trust in God and separate you from your loving father. Jesus answered: there are three causes of human sufferings. First, human suffering is indeed caused by sin. By sinning, human being scorns the infinite mercy and love of God, for this reason, sin actually severs the good relationship between man and God. For this reason, the sinner feels alienated from God, and from life itself because it is only in God that man can find his life. Again, sin calls for direct punishment from God because God is just, and for that reason God ensures that justice is done in the world. Sin causes moral imbalance and for that reason, sin must be punished so as to restore the distorted moral balance. The second cause of human suffering is for spiritual purposes. Although human sufferings can at times take one away from God, human sufferings however can strengthen one’s faith in God. By bearing one’s sufferings gallantly trusting in God’s love and providence, one’s faith in God is strengthened. As the example of Job in the Script ures shows, God allows his elect to undergo sufferings, so as to test their faith and to purify and strengthen their faith. The third cause of human sufferings is for the glory of God. God allows some forms of human sufferings in the world so that through the sufferings, God’s power and glory may be made manifest. For example, a person may be born blind so that through him the works of God might be displayed (John 9:3). Judas Iscariot asked Jesus: teacher, but why would an infinitely loving and omnipotent God allow His children to undergo the terrible sufferings that we experience in the world? I am unable to reconcile the infinite power and love of God, with the concept of human sufferings. Jesus said to

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