Monday, March 9, 2020

Сoca cola and Levis blue jeans

Ð ¡oca cola and Levis blue jeans Introduction Both coca cola and Levi’s blue jeans are commodities required by human beings. These commodities have positive and negative impacts on the economy, environment, as well as people. Blue jeans are worn everywhere throughout the world.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ð ¡oca cola and Levi’s blue jeans specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Impacts of global consumer items (coca cola and blue jeans) Globalisation is the process in which people of the whole world unify into a distinct society and function. Also, it is one of the ways the consumers or shareholders can have an impact on business decisions, according to report made in the research. For example, when consumers demand more commodities, the manufacturer must expand on their production. Rapid growth and development of industries is a significant contribution to globalization. The research states that coca cola expansion is a process of embed ding and re- embedding brand coke for buyers. During the manufacture of coca cola and Levi’s blue jeans, there is a production of waste products, however. Despite these waste products, during the manufacture of blue jeans at the finishing process, the chemicals used are environmentally friendly. The hazardous products cause serious harm to the environment and to people living in it. Poisonous gases are an example of these harmful products. They cause respiratory diseases like lung cancer. This leads to a decline in the economic growth since money invested is used to treat people. Global consumer items (coca cola and blue jeans) create employment. Industries require many employees. Therefore, these commodities lead to reduction of criminal actions since many people are not idle. This is an advantage to many people living in this world. Coca cola, as a soft drink, helps to quench people’s thirst especially during dry seasons. The Levi’s blue jeans make people look smart. Also, they help in saving people’s money since their materials, like cotton, are durable (Jamieson 301). The blue jeans help in creating market for products like cotton since it is a raw material.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reduction of Carbon 1V Oxide in the air is another impact. This is because it is a requirement in the preservation of coca cola (Foster 196). It also reduces acid rain, which is a result of reaction of water with Carbon 1V Oxide. The rain is utterly destructive to the environment and its contents. Significance for coca cola and Levi’s blue jeans These global commodities are not simply items that we just buy and sell. Consumption of coca cola is not simply an act of destruction as the research reports. It is a category of labour. Coca cola and blue jeans play significant roles in a society. For example, they help in pro moting entrepreneurship. This applies for both the commodities-coca cola and blue jeans. People start their own businesses to specialize in selling soft drinks while others start selling Levi’s blue jeans. This helps to raise growth of the economy. Also, the blue jeans are very crucial to the society since they encourage planting of more cotton to provide it as a raw material in blue jeans industries. In this way, there is an improvement in the farmers’ way of life (Snyder 87). The blue jeans are one of the clothing styles which have lasted for many decades while other styles come and go. It is therefore evident that human beings who wear blue jeans are comfortable with them. Interruption with coca cola and Levi’s blue jeans Interruption happens when people’s way of doing a certain thing changes because of introduction another idea or thing. Coca Cola has made people not to drink only water when feeling thirsty. Also, the blue jeans have made many people stop wearing any other types of clothes. When distributors deliver coca cola products to retailers to sell them to consumers, they are interrupting with commodities. During ceremonies like wedding, people consume coca cola products. During dry seasons, coca cola is a must since people are extremely thirsty. When it comes to blue jeans, interruption occurs as customers are buying them; as well as when the entrepreneurs go buying them from the manufacturers. During advertisements, we interrupt with the blue jeans since we and the society are part of this. For example, during the promotion of coca cola, many people participate in it, for instance, those who want to be rewarded.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ð ¡oca cola and Levi’s blue jeans specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social relationship among people It is the association among people in a society. It includes association in friendship, work place, famil y, and places of worship. There is diffusion of culture among people especially during marketing of these products. Advertising has made people know what is extremely popular in the United States, and as a result, blue jeans and coca cola are now popular in other parts of the world (Blanding 221). This has led to considerable relationship of people in the United States and those in other countries in the world. Sometimes when it comes to blue jeans, the relationship among traders is not satisfactory. This happens especially between industries which mimic clothing styles of the original ones claiming that theirs is the best. This makes the marketing of clothes like blue jeans extremely hard. As a result conflicts appear since the blue jeans company must try and fight these unhealthy competitors. The relationship among manufacturers, agents, retailers, and consumers are normally good. This is because the coca cola company gives the best soft drinks, and has been the leading company. W hen it comes to family relationships, there is happiness brought by sharing soft drinks-coca cola and buying blue jeans. A report on the research is as follows: all ten people from where gathering information took place, praise coca cola as a soft drink which they only go for during dry seasons. According to the peer group, there is no other soft drink which has ever been as healthful as coca cola. The people say that coca cola and blue jeans have helped them to have good association with one another especially during buying. They say that the Levi’s blue jeans are the best jeans they know of and that they have the best cotton materials. From this conducted research, many people consider the importance of coca cola and blue jeans. Some say that, if it were not for coca cola, they could not have anything to earn their living while others say that they specialize in distributing blue jeans to small retailers and consumers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Others say that the blue jeans help them in saving their money since they are long lasting. They use the money to do other things instead of buying other clothes. According to this report for the research, coca cola and blue jeans have the significant meaning for the society. Blanding, Michael. The Coke machine: the dirty truth behind the worlds favorite soft drink. New York: Avery, 2010. Print Foster, Robert John. Coca-globalization: following soft drinks from New York to New Guinea. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Print. Jamieson, Jean. Mr. Blue Jeans, a story about Levi Strauss, by Maryann N. Weidt: teacher guide. San Antonio, TX: Novel Units, Inc., 2002. Print. Snyder, Rachel Louise. Fugitive denim: a moving story of people and pants in the borderless world of global trade. New York: W. W. Norton, 2009. Print.

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