Thursday, May 14, 2020

Fdi Analysis - 3746 Words

Abstract On the basis of previous studies of foreign direct investment (FDI) in insurance services industries by Moshirian (1997 and 1999), this study applies the similar model and variable with those previous studies to present analysis and discussion about FDI in insurance services industries in America from 1987 to 1998. As the extension on prior studies, this study found that the relative wage rate of the US versus the source countries, and FDI in manufacturing industries both are highly important determinants of FDI in insurance services industries in America in statistic. However, this result is different from Moshirian’s (1997), due to majority of factors which are valued important in his study are unimportant in this study. The†¦show more content†¦After that, the model and the data of FDI in insurance services in the US would be explained. Furthermore, it would point out the different between the finding of this paper and the study of Mishirian(1997). Finally, the con clusion would summarize the result. 2. Literature review 2.1 FDI in General A huge amount of studies have already discuss or analysts the factors that stimulate the growth of FDI in insurance services in the US. That kind of studies mainly focus on the change in the total amount of FDI in the US. Moran(2003) declares that the size of the US market and development opportunities are the vital factors for developing the FDI in insurance services. On the other hand, Santis et al. (2004) suggest that the US exchange rate is highly influence the FDI in insurance services. 2.2 FDI in Banking According to empirical studies by Moshirian (2001), which discovered determinants of US FDI in banking industries, the primary factors which have influence on the activity of foreign banking in American includes the market volume of host country, the cost of investment capital cost, relative economic growth, bilateral trade, taxation, interest rates, exchange rates and FDI in non-finance industries. However, the study, which discriminates between the abroad activities of banks and FDI in banking by banks and non-banks, indicated that exchange rate is a crucial element of FDI expansion in banking because of currencies appreciates. In addition,Show MoreRelatedFdi Risk Analysis of Cuba2322 Words   |  10 PagesDianet Perez Garcia Politics of International Investment May 1, 2012 Foreign Direct Investment Risk Analysis on Cuba Background: Cuba is an island in the Caribbean. 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